NeoGenesis Reviews

Skin Journey

Condition: Mature + Ageing Skin

In just my short time of implementing NeoGenesis in my treatments, I have been amazed at the improvements I am witnessing in my clients skin.  NEOGENESIS HAS TAKEN MY TREATMENTS TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF WOW! Where had it been all my life, lol!?” ~ MV

Products: NeoGenesis Recovery, Skin Serum

Condition: Mature + Ageing Skin

“As a successful beauty model for nearly 40 years, I have used the top skin care lines from around the world, and nothing compares to the results I have seen with NeoGenesis products. I feel like NeoGenesis is turning back the hands of time … or at least slowing the pace … and I love it!”  ~ CR

Products: NeoGenesis Recovery, Skin SerumIntensive Moisturizer

Conditions: Rosacea, Mature + Ageing Skin,

“Just four drops of this repair serum calmed my rosacea and diminished some broken capillaries on my cheek. Sinks right in with no sticky residue.” ~ L – Skin Beautiful RX

Condition: Hair Loss

“My husband is using the hair serum and he is seeing great results 😁. I use only two drops a day in hairline and I’m getting baby hairs where they were shedding!!!!! Fabulous to get this kind of results for both men and women” 😍😍😍 ~ @stokleymichaelta

Product: Hair Thickening Serum

Condition: Mature + Ageing Skin

“My skin loves this moisturizer! I’m in my mid-40’s and I’ve found Intensive Moisturizer to be just the right balance of creamy and hydrating, yet not heavy and greasy. My skin drinks it right up! I know that anything from NeoGenesis is going to effectively nourish and repair my skin. I’ll buy this product again!” ~ JZ – Art of Skin Care

Product: Intensive Moisturizer

Condition: Mature + Ageing Skin

“I’ve been doing hair and makeup for my photography models for many years and the NeoGenesis Light Moisturizer is absolutely perfect on all skins!  I applied the Light Moisturizer to the skin and in the time it took to select the foundation, the moisturizer had blended with the skin, leaving no residual on the surface.  Makeup applies flawlessly so I give the prep a “10”.  It evens out the surface tension of the skin and seems to attract the makeup.  The NeoGenesis Moisturizing Mist is perfect after I apply a translucent powder.  Who wouldn’t love these products?  They really perform.” ~ Renowned Photographer Joseph Boggess –

Products: Light Moisturizer, Moisturizing Mist

Condition: Eczema, Dermatitis

While on-set in Asia with my private clientele, the Recovery Serum has helped me with one particular actress suffering from an extreme bout of eczema. Within 3 days the rash was alleviated and filming continued.”  ~ C.B, LME

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Microneedling

“I purchased the NeoGenesis Recovery Serum to use with my at home microneedling device. I use the protocol suggested by Jeana on the Art of Skin care website. I have only used the protocol about 6 times but my skin is really looking great. Very glowy!” ~ EP – Art of Skin Care

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Microneedling

“Love this. Great results, I love using it after I microneedle.” ~ SH – Art of Skin Care

Product: Booster

Condition: Psoriasis

Customer Review - NeoGenesis Recovery for Psoriasis“Recovery Serum was amazing for my psoriasis!

I am very familiar with this distressing skin condition as my mom had suffered very severely with it all of her life, with no real relief from the myriad of creams, ointments and bath soaks her doctor prescribed her. My sister currently takes an oral chemotherapy drug to keep her psoriasis under control. 

I contracted psoriasis on the back of my scalp at the beginning of this year. By March, my scalp had redness and severe flaking.”  ~ GF


Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Genital Herpes

“I have suffered from genital herpes for many years and nothing I have tried has ever helped much. Most outbreaks took up to two weeks to heal and I felt quite a bit of pain for the first week. The NeoGenesis Skin Serum reduced my recovery time to three days. Amazing! Thank you!!” ~ DC

Product: Skin Serum

Condition: Shingles

Before + After - Shingles“In Feb, 2016 I found myself in the most intense pain I have ever felt and had no idea what it was. The pain was such an intense burning and at about an 8 (on a scale of 10). My Doctor told me I had shingles. A friend of mine suggested I immediately use Recovery from NeoGenesis. Within 24 hours the burning was gone and my pain was down to a 3 and by 48 hours I had no discomfort at all.” ~ MS


Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Keratosis Pilaris

“I have Keratosis Pilaris on the back of my arms and it is now dissipating from the Body Cream.” ~ PJ

Product: Body Cream

Condition: Herpes + Cold Sores

“I bought just to use on cold sores. It really works to lessen the healing time. They have been fully forming and are gone in a week. I use it at least 5 times a day when I see a cold sore coming on. It makes me so happy I’ve finally found something that REALLY works!!!!”~ FGArt of Skin Care

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Conditions: Oily + Problem Skin, Sensitive Skin

“Honest review. I’ve never spent more than $20 on skin care products in my life. With everyone in quarantine due to the virus, I took it upon myself to do lots of research before settling on this not very cheap serum. I am always leery of reviews because you never know if they’re paid or given product in exchange.

My skin is prone to acne but it is also super sensitive. My skin was very red and irritated this morning. I started with my cleansers, followed by this serum and I finished with a moisturizer about 10 minutes after applying the serum. I used a roller to press it into my face. Instantly within the first few minutes, the redness on my face began to calm, and my skin looked less irritated and felt so smooth after.

Although, it’s only been one use, I thought I’d put a review on and follow up in a couple months.

I can already tell that this was probably my best investment this far with skin products.” ~ M – Art of Skin Care

Product: Booster

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